Saturday, September 24, 2011

View of House from the street

Here's a sketch of what the house might look like from the street.

Waterfront Improvements

After a month of getting quotes and redesigning the waterfront designs, yesterday we awarded the contract for construction of a bulkhead, a covered boat lift and dock for fishing and messing around.  The next step is to request a permit from Mississippi's Dept of Marine Resources, which I should mail off next week.

Here's a sketch of the proposed improvements:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Post

This is our first attempt at a blog, so not sure how it works, but we're willing to give it a try.

We bought the lot, ( 2 lots actually), on August 5th, 2011.    We have 2 lots, one on the water and one across the street from the waterfront lot.

Here's a picture of teh view from our shoreline:

Here's a view from the back of the lot, looking toward the street and water:

On August 19th, tom met with three building contractors and two marine contractors to discuss building a house and improving the water front.  The marine guys will install a bulkhead, or retaining wall, to keep the shoreline from eroding any further, and also install a dock and boat lift/roof system.  The building contractors will do the foundation and house construction, once we get a set of plans and engineering work completed.  the foundation has to be engineered to withstand flood waters and wave/tidal action, without major loss of the house structure

We've spent some time doing rough drawings and trying to assemble all the elements of the house as we would like it.  But that's not enough.  We have pretty much figured out that we need a drafter or architect to turn our desired floor plans into a set of construction grade drawings.  If I canfigure it out, I will try to post the floor plans we are thinking about.