Monday, June 25, 2012

Columns are up

Last Monday, 6/18, the first set of columns were poured.  Then the forms were moved to the next batch, with teh steel inside, and they were poured on Friday 6/22.  The next step is to build a short cinderblock wall around the perimeter up to the height of the slab, and then pour slabs in between the columns.

A few pics:

6/18, pump truck pumping concrete into the forms:

A couple days later, the form open showing the resulting column inside:

A few days later, with the forms moved to the new set, waiting for the next concrete pour:

Finally, all columns in place, ( and hopefully the right place!):

Saturday, June 16, 2012

First Dredging started

My waterfront contractor, AJ, started a little dredging this week, and here are a few pix of the results so far.

The lighter colored wet-looking stuff is the material scooped out of the bayou.  He formed a berm of dry soil on the land side to contain the wet material so it can dry out before transporting it.

Half the Columns are formed and ready to pour!

I took a quick trip Friday to see how the columns forms looked, meeting the engineer and contractor, and his foundation sub for the inspection.

Everything looked good so far.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate on Monday and they will pour concrete into the forms to complete the first half of the columns. 

They have rented half the number of forms needed, so once these are poured and sufficiently cured, the forms will be taken off, and erected around the next set, after they construct the steel rebar for each one.

The big picture, from the street:

Closer up:

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Waterfront work begun

Finally, some work has begun on the waterfront.  A few pics of the limited progress to date.  My waterfront contractor, AJ, had placed his barge and excavators.  He took out a few old stumps and has gotten ready to begin dregding operations.  He will scoop material from the bottom of the bayou, and place it on land to dry out before hauling it away.

After inspecting work and meeting with AJ, I took an hour or two and fished the marsh area from my kayak, and caught a nice redfish!  Lots of bait busting, so there should be plenty more fish, once I get a hang of the area and proper techniques.  Sorry, no picture of the redfish. 

Beginning work on Columns

Here are a few pics on the progress with the columns,  They are made up of steel rebar, formed into a cage.  Then tall square forms will be placed around the steel cages, which will be filled with concrete to form the reinforced concrete columns.  Once these are complete, the framing of the house can begin.

View from the road:

Up close view of rebar for columns:

Part of a form for the columns:

Piano hinges for the sides of the forms:

connectors to put it all together:

Bracing struts to hold the forms vertical and plumb:

More columns steel waiting to go up: