Today we got a new set of basic floor plans from our architect, much more what we are looking for. We will spend some time with them and make some minor tweaks, but I think this is the concept will will go forward with. I will try to post them, but it's not working right now.
I have also talked to a biologist/wetlands dude about doing a delineation of our waterfront lot. He was supposed to look at it today and call me, but I haven't heard back yet.
I got it to work, so here are the plans, noted below.
This is the main floor, which will be 15 feet above ground or so. The master bedroom is on the left. The living room is in the center and the dining room is on the right. They will all look out toward the water. The stairs, kitchen and bathrooms will be to the back. The kitchen layout is kinda whacky right now, and needs some attention, but that can be worked out now that the main floor plan elements are nearly settled. Our architect will also work out how make the powder room door not open right into the main living area, but be off a side hall or around a corner or something.
We actually have a couple nice oak trees, one right in front of the house, so the porch level and main floor views may be through the tree foliage!

This is the second floor, with three bedrooms, all with a view toward the water.
This is a perspective view, as if the second floor was lifted off, and you're up high looking down at main living level.
This is a view looking at the house from the road, or the water side. The windows aren't really worked out yet. That will come now that we have a floor plan pretty much settled.
Looks really cool, huh? We're really excited!