Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New House Plans!

Well we're getting much closer now.  The second floor has been shifted over so that the house looks more balanced.  See what you think:

The first floor is nearly where we want it too, with only a few small modifications left to work out.

The second floor is pretty much locked in, as is:

We've also gotten a preliminary foundation design, but I won't post that since it won't mean much, except to Rob maybe.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Project Update

Floor plans are being fine tuned, along with a request by us to revise the roofline to make the house look more balanced.  This will mess up the upstairs layout, but we're confident that our architect, Laura, will figure it out.

The engineer is about to start work, but we need to decide on the height of the house and the type of columns.  We are going to be at least 13 feet in the air to get above the storm tide, but may go a few feet higher to get reduced insurance costs.  We toured a couple houses under construction on Sunday that are raised and yes, 12 feet is up there.  One was 17 feet up - Wow!  Plan for an elevator if you are going to get old. :-) We also need to decide on wood or concrete columns to hold up the house.  We're concerned about possbile "sway" being that far up. 

We've hired a firm to perform a wetlands delineation to figure out where we can build and where we can't.  Below is the map they've provided, along with a report.  Both these will go to the DMR and the Corps of Engineers and then maybe we can get our permit.  The wet area is the small bit on the left.  It will restrict the boat dock somewhat, but not too much.