We cleaned like crazy Wednesday and Thursday, and put furniture together. David and Ryan left for nola at noon on Thursday to spend a couple days away from the prison-work program called "da camp", only to return Saturday to complete their sentence. :-)
Our good friends Julie and Paul arrived Friday to help out, and got to see the front yard sodded. Sod finally arrived late Thursday after weeks of delay, but they laid most of it on Friday. We still don't have it all, but the majority is covered. Whew! Hopefully more this week.
On Saturday David, Kristina, Ryan and Kevin arrived and we had an all-out work day. Everybody was busy except Beignet, cleaning, assembling, washing, drying, putting away, and being helpful. A long day for all, then Ikea showed up at 7:30 pm, ( as per their forecast), and we schlepped boxes up the stairs and in and out of the elevator. We will award the elevator the most valuable player award for saving many back-breaking lifts and stair climbs. Julie and Paul left after dinner, ( not enough beds yet!), so the rest of us cleaned up and played trivial pursuit. One game and we all collapsed.
Sunday was more cleaning, assembling and getting ready to head back to nola. We arrived home in time to unload and clean up for church.
All in all, the house is great, ( wasn't clean enough, and still has a few issues), and we had a wonderful time. Everyone was great helping out with all the work details. Five very busy days, no doubt.
Here's a series of pictures as we moved in.
The thing was packed to the roof before we unloaded some and I took this pic:

Unloading the junk!

Kitchen crew, hard at work:

Beignet's first visit:

The Saturday crew relaxing after a tough day:

Finally some grass!
gotta love the green after weeks of red clay dirt everywhere