Friday, May 11, 2012

Foundation excavation

After clearing out all the old foundation remnants, and adding some special soil that's called structural fill, we had some rainy days that stopped work.  For the last couple days they've gotten back to work, excavating the ditches that are used to form the grade beams.  The ditches are dug to a specific depth and width and pattern to match the design of the foundation.  Reinforcing steel bars, also known as rebars, are placed into the ditches in a precise manner, again according to the drawings.  Once all the ditches are dug and steel is placed we will have the structural engineer do an inspection, then let the contractor pour concrete.  The result will be a latticework of steel reinforced concrete beams below ground level that will form the base for reinfoced concrete columns that will rise up to support the house.

This view is last week before the digging began:

These views show the perimeter ditches.  More ditches will be dug inside the perimeter to form grid or latticework of grade beams:

We're expecting rain over the weekend, a dry couple days, then more rain, so I'm not hopeful that we'll make alot of progress past getting all the excavation and steel placement.

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