The recent rains have slowed down the slab work, and made activity difficult at the waterfront. I took a drive over to take a look on Sunday 7/22, and here's what we have. After the inspections I launched my new kayak and fished fpr a while, landing a trout and a flounder. Fried 'em tonight - mmmm good!
The bulkhead is complete, and now the dock and boat slip can be installed.
Main bulkhead:
View of dredged material behind bulkhead:
North corner:
South corner:
The small raised slab for the storage area is complete, adn the formwork for the rest of the slab is ready to go. Now we need a couple dry days for the soil to dry out and then we'll have more slabs poured.
Small raised slab:
Form work for more slabs:
It is all starting to really look like something! Your photo titled "small raised slab" looks like some "artwork" at the Des Moines Art Center. Ha!